How to Find a Zombie Blog
Being a winner on the google search engine is the desire of the website owner. Your website's appearance on the main Google page with certain keywords will be an advantage in itself because your product or service will be easily found by many people who need your product or service. The end result is to make money.
Ranking in search engines cannot be separated from the help of dummy blogs that someone has. Often SEO practitioners call it a zombie blog.
What is a zombie blog?
A zombie blog is a free blog address (Blogspot, WordPress, Tumblr, etc.) that has been successfully activated and reused. It originally came from a blog address that previously existed and was deleted for a long time.
How To Use of a Zombie Blog?
As explained above, a zombie blog is a blog that comes from blogs that previously existed. Still, for some reason, the blog was eventually deleted, either by the blog owner or by the blog service provider.
These blogs sometimes previously may have been popular, already have many permanent backlinks, blogs that already have good authority in search engines' eyes, so that if we succeed in reactivating the blog, of course, the blog will benefit us the blog will be easy to use.
Popular, and don't have to be managed from scratch anymore because the blog is old. Here are the benefits of a zombie blog:
To be used as a dummy blog, which is used to put backlinks to the main blog. The dummy blog is another blog that we have besides the main blog, whose function is to plant backlinks to the main blog.
The dummy blog from the zombie blog will be quick to provide a backlink effect, and if the zombie blog used has good PR, of course, the backlink effect will be perfect for the main blog.
To be the main blog with a custom domain, we can use the zombie blog for the main blog, we can use the same name, or we can make it a custom domain (.com,, .net, etc.)
It can be sold back to people who need it. Lots of bloggers are looking for zombie blogs. If we are good at getting zombie blogs, we can resell them to bloggers who need them.
Which zombie blog traits are good to use?
A zombie blog that has been found is not necessarily good. It could be that the blog comes from a spam blog, which, of course, if used, is very poor. Therefore to use a zombie blog, you should pay attention to the characteristics of a good zombie blog such as the characteristics below :
- Not from spam blogs or prohibited blogs such as 18+ blog, gambling, and blogs like that, to see what zombie blogs looked like in the past, you can use the tool
- Having a high Page Rank (PR), PR usually from 1-10, the higher, the better. To check the PR owned by a blog, you can use the tool
- Having good backlinks and quality is better. To check the backlinks that are owned by a blog, you can use the tool.
- Already have an Alexa ranking, if you don't have an Alexa ranking, the symbol is usually N / A. The slimmer the Alexa ranking is, the better. To check the Alexa ranking, you can use the tool
- Have a good PA (Page Authority) and DA (Domain Authority). Please install a browser plugin, check using the tool from Moz
Where can I find a zombie blog address?
Actually, there are lots of free blog addresses, both or, which have been used and have been deleted for a long time, which we can use, but the problem is how to get the address for us to check whether the address found can still be used to be reactivated or not.
To get the desired search results, you can actually use the google dork search format ( google search operator ). You can search directly on sites that are most likely to save information on the addresses of zombie blogs that can be used.
Some search alternatives for finding zombie blogs:
Using the help of search engines: To find zombie blogs, we can use search engines such as Google, yahoo, bing, and other search engines with certain criteria that can provide clues to finding blog addresses that have been used and are no longer active or deleted, such as the methods above.
Search yahoo We know that yahoo answer is one of the largest questions and answer forums globally, where there may be some bloggers who have shared about blogs that have been replaced or deleted. To get a zombie blog, we can search on a yahoo answer to get a statement that the blog was deleted or replaced.
Search on Quora is one of the world's largest question and answer sites ( The best answer to Any Questions ), which is used by bloggers to exchange ideas, and so on. There could be many bloggers who share about the blog address that has been changed or deleted. to get a zombie blog, we can do a search on a yahoo answer to get a statement that the blog was deleted or replaced
Search for status or notes on social media, such as Facebook,, etc.: You can also develop a search to find zombie blog addresses on popular social media today, such as,, Google + and other social media.
The Zombie Blog address that you found, sometimes it can be used, sometimes it doesn't. I don't know how long the address of a blog that has been deleted can be used again.
How to find zombie blogs with keywords:
- First: Utilizing statements of people who have changed or deleted their blog addresses.
You may have unconsciously read a statement or statement in the form of a sentence or in a paragraph, be it in forums, status on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, written by someone who unknowingly provided information about previous blogs that they just deleted. ?
Actually, we can use it as a reference for finding zombie blogs by searching for articles that contain statements like the one above.
Some of the keywords I have used to find article content containing the words someone has deleted their blog include:
"Change my blog URL from to."
"Sorry, I've deleted the blog."
You can try various other techniques to improve your searches, such as changing the language or replacing the word, with or The point is to find a statement that people have deleted their blogs or have changed their blog addresses.
The trick is you can directly access the blog or select the text of the blog's address then right-clicking and selecting the menu "Open link in a new tab if you find a display like an image below, it means that the blog address cannot be used.
Sometimes the blog addresses that are found are not necessarily usable. Some have been used by other people that cannot be used. You can search again using the methods above.
- Second: Take advantage of Blog pages that have been deleted or blog pages that are not found
Maybe you have visited a blog address, but what you are visiting is not the blog page in question. It turns out that you are presented with an information page that the blog was not found or has been deleted because, most likely, the blog address has long been deleted.
If you are observant, we can use the page's information not found as a reference for finding zombie blogs. The way is to find the names of blog addresses to get search results for blogs that have been deleted because, most likely, there are blog addresses that can still be used as blogs. Zombies.
The following are some of the search criteria used to find blog addresses that have been deleted or not found:
- blog has been removed
- blog deleted
- blog not found
- blogger account has been suspended
You can develop this trick with your creativity, proven by using the methods above.
Steps to find a zombie blog using free tools:
- Mozilla Firefox
- Add-ons Visited 1.11 Serves to tell you which links we've visited.
- Add-ons LinkChecker 0.6.7 Is used to check link pages that are still active or not.
- Open Mozilla Firefox.
- Install Add-ons Visited, and LinkChecker on Mozilla Firefox, then restart.
- Go to
Select one of the codes below, then search on the Google search engine:
- Replace the writing KEYWORD with the blog criteria that you are looking for.
- site: KEYWORD Blogs I follow
- site: KEYWORD Location: COUNTRY
- site: KEYWORD On Blogger since {RANDOM-Month} {RANDOM-Year}
- site: {KEYWORD} Gender: {RANDOM-Gender}

- Click one of the links on Google
- After entering a Profile, Right-click then click Check Page Links
- Look at the color on each link. Green means it's still active, and Red means it's dead
- Open the red link. If you are lucky, then the blog can be registered again, that is the Zombie blog.
- Please check DA PA and the zombie blog PR.